Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
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Our Approach to Sustainability


JAPEX believes that our mission is to provide a stable supply of energy and that our business activities themselves are a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Under this recognition, we discuss and decide on policies and core themes related to CSR and sustainability at the management level, and engage in activities across the entire JAPEX Group.

Basic Concept

Based on a policy to systematically promote CSR throughout the company, JAPEX identifies the core CSR themes "SHINE."

In addition, our management plan sets a policy on sustainability activities, to actively work on solving social issues toward the realization of a sustainable society.

In 2023, we defined the "Materiality" as what connects the core CSR themes "SHINE" and "JAPEX Management Plan 2022-2030."

Based on them, we have been promoting sustainability activities across the entire JAPEX Group, including setting and implementing CSR action plans and goals, and evaluating them from an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) perspective.


Sustainability Management Promotion System

The Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President and Representative Director, has been established to deliberate and discuss the management plan and related sustainability matters. Meetings of the Sustainability Committee also has been held as needed to deliberate and discuss the following items related to sustainability.

  • Company-wide policy on sustainability, including the Code of Ethical Conduct
  • Important issues related to ESG
  • Establishment and review of core CSR themes and CSR action plans
  • Dissemination of sustainability information outside the company, such as in the Integrated Report

The Corporate Strategy Dept. supervises the promotion system, including the secretariat of the Sustainability Committee. It also reports annually on the status of sustainability promotion to the Board of Directors.

Information Disclosure

JAPEX strives to disclose our quantitative and qualitative information on sustainability in a timely and appropriate manner.

The Integrated Report, published annually, and CSR action plans and targets are made available on our website. Yearly data on ESG is also available on our website.


Participation in Initiatives

JAPEX participates in domestic and global initiatives aimed at realizing a sustainable society, and works in collaboration with various organizations and companies.

  • United Nations Global Compact
  • Declaration of the biz-partnership development
  • GX League
  • Global CCS Institute
  • CCS+ Initiative

We are also studying specific measures to be taken based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the climate change scenarios of the International Energy Agency (IEA).


External evaluation and certification

JAPEX currently has external evaluation and certification regarding sustainability as follows:

Status of ESG index inclusion

  • S&P Dow Jones Indices, JPX: S&P/JPX Carbon Efficiency Index
  • MSCI: the Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)
  • FTSE Russell: FTSE Blossom Japan Index
  • FTSE Russell: FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
  • Morningstar:Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index

External evaluation and certification regarding Sustainability

  • CDP's annual questionnaire on "climate change" : B score (fiscal 2023)
  • Selected under "The 2024 Health & Productivity Stock Selection" (the first time), as well as "White 500" (the fourth time since 2019)
  • Next-Generation Certification Mark (nicknamed "Kurumin") certification by the Tokyo Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health (obtained in August 2018)
  • "Eruboshi" certification mark based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities (third level, obtained in February 2021)
Related News

Information on May 16, 2022 "JAPEX Joined Global CCS Institute, the world's leading CCS think tank"

Information on June 29, 2022 "JAPEX to Participate in CCS+ Initiative"

Related Sites

Portal site of the "Declaration of the biz-partnership development" (Japanese-language only)

GX League for the world (on the official site of the GX League)

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